US Election 2024: A really simple and easy Guide

In November 2024, Americans will go to the polls to choose the next President of the United States. This election is a big deal because the person who becomes President has a major impact on the lives of people in the USA and around the world.

The US political system mainly revolves around two parties, and most modern Presidents have been from one of these two parties.

US Election 2024 Guide

1. The Democrats

These folks are the liberal political party. They are known for advocating civil rights, a strong social safety net, and actions to combat climate change. The current President, Joe Biden, is a Democrat, and he's running for a second term.

2. The Republicans (GOP)

On the other side, we have the conservative political party, the Republicans. They support lower taxes, smaller government, gun rights, and stricter immigration and abortion regulations. The Republican party is still in the process of choosing its presidential candidate.

When is the next US presidential election?

The 2024 election will happen on Tuesday, November 5, 2024. The winner will serve as President for four years, starting in January 2025.

Who are the candidates, and how are they chosen?

The 2024 presidential campaign is already underway. There were initially 15 candidates: nine Republicans, four Democrats, and two independents. However, some have dropped out.

President Biden is seeking re-election as a Democrat and is expected to secure the nomination. In the Republican Party, former President Donald Trump is leading in the polls. There are also independent candidates, like Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Both major parties select their presidential candidates through a series of state primaries and caucuses that begin in Iowa in January. "Super Tuesday" on March 3 is a significant day when many states hold their primaries. By then, it might be clear who the Republican nominee will be.

How does the US presidential election work?

Candidates compete to win electoral college votes. Each state has a certain number of these votes, totaling 538, based on its population. To win, a candidate needs 270 or more electoral college votes.

This means that the focus is on state-level contests, not the national one. In most states, the winner takes all the electoral college votes. So, even if a candidate gets the most votes across the country (like Hillary Clinton in 2016), they can still lose if they don't win the electoral college.

Most states usually lean towards one party or the other. The battleground states are where the real competition happens.

Who else is being elected?

While we pay a lot of attention to the President, voters will also choose new members of Congress when they cast their votes. All 435 seats in the House of Representatives are up for election, and 33 Senate seats are also on the line. Currently, Republicans control the House, and Democrats are in charge of the Senate. These two chambers can pass or block legislation, which can affect the President's plans.

Who can vote?

If you're a US citizen and 18 years or older, you should be eligible to vote in the presidential election, which happens every four years.

When do we know who has won the election?

Usually, the winner is declared on election night, but sometimes it takes a few days to count all the votes, like in 2020. The period after the election is called the transition if there's a new President. During this time, the new administration forms, and plans for the new term are made.

The President officially takes the oath of office in January during an event known as the inauguration, held on the steps of the Capitol building in Washington, D.C.