Guide to the U.S. Election Day:  Governor races, abortion rights and What's Happening

On Election Day in the United States, people are going to vote for a lot of important stuff. They will choose new leaders, make decisions, and decide on various issues. Even though these elections don't get as much attention as the big ones for President, they still matter a lot. Let's break down what's happening.

Guide to the U.S. Election Day

Kentucky Governor Race

In Kentucky, there's a race for the governor's seat. The current governor, Andy Beshear, is a Democrat, and he's running for re-election. He's focused on creating jobs, improving education, expanding healthcare, and handling COVID-19. His opponent is Republican Daniel Cameron, who talks about public safety, helping kids catch up in school after COVID-19, and other issues like transgender children's care.

Mississippi Governor Race

In Mississippi, the current Republican governor, Tate Reeves, is running for re-election. He's facing off against Democrat Brandon Presley. Even though Reeves is leading in the polls, Presley, who's related to Elvis Presley, has raised more money for his campaign. The campaign is pretty intense, with Reeves saying Presley is supported by liberals and against certain laws for transgender youth. Presley, however, says he wants to cut taxes and expand healthcare, among other things.

Virginia Legislature

Virginia is electing people to fill all the seats in its Senate and House of Delegates. Democrats want to keep control in the Senate and take over the House. This is important because Virginia is the only southern state that hasn't made strict abortion laws after the Supreme Court changed the rules in 2022. Republicans have promised to make a 15-week abortion ban if they take charge.

New Jersey Legislature

In New Jersey, both the General Assembly and the Senate are up for grabs. Republicans want to take control in a mostly Democratic state. They've been gaining ground since 2021. Their campaign covers many topics, like the economy and K-12 education rights.

Ohio Abortion Rights

In Ohio, voters are deciding whether to add abortion rights to the state's constitution. If they say yes, it could cancel out a six-week abortion limit put in place by the Republican governor. That law is currently on hold, waiting for a decision from the state Supreme Court. This vote is important because it might influence similar decisions in the future.

Ohio Marijuana Legalization

People in Ohio are also voting on whether to make recreational marijuana use legal. If they say yes, adults over 21 would be allowed to use, and it would be regulated and taxed.

Mayoral Races

Many cities will choose their new mayors. For instance, Philadelphia is picking between Democrat Cherelle Parker and Republican David Oh. Both have been on the city council. In Houston, a bunch of candidates, including U.S. Representative Sheila Jackson Lee and state Senator John Whitmire, are competing to be the new mayor, as the current one, Sylvester Turner, is reaching his term limit.

Pennsylvania Supreme Court

In Pennsylvania, there's a race for a new justice on the state's highest court. This won't change the court's leaning, which is mostly Democratic, but it could impact issues like abortion rights and election laws. Planned Parenthood is supporting Democrat Daniel McCaffery, while anti-abortion groups are backing Republican Carolyn Carluccio. The court currently has a Democratic majority, with one seat yet to be filled.