Jared Kushner claims Saudi Arabia ‘allowed me to speak freely’ as a Jew than some US college campuses

US campuses are less safe for Jews than Saudi Arabia, Says Jared Kushner.

Jared Kushner, who used to work closely with former President Donald Trump, recently said that he feels safer as a Jewish person in Saudi Arabia than on some American college campuses. He made this statement after visiting Saudi Arabia and speaking at a conference. He also mentioned that he was able to express his views freely there.

This comment by Kushner comes at a time when there have been more incidents of anti-Semitic behavior in the United States. Some people who support the Palestinian cause have targeted Jewish students on college campuses.

For example, Columbia University had to delay its Giving Day fundraising due to tensions related to the Israel-Palestine conflict. A wealthy donor named Leon Cooperman even threatened to stop giving money to the university because he was unhappy with the anti-Israel activities of some faculty and students, including a professor who praised a recent attack by Hamas on Israel.

Jared Kushner

Another incident took place at Cooper Union in New York City, where Jewish students were stuck inside a library while protesters shouted at them from outside.

According to New York City Councilwoman Inna Vernikov, some of the protesters chanted, “Globalize the intifada from New York to Gaza!” This reflects the tensions and conflicts surrounding the Israel-Palestine issue.

Jared Kushner has a strong connection with Saudi Arabia. After he left the White House, the Saudi government invested $2 billion in his private equity firm. While working in the Trump administration, Kushner played a key role in making peace deals between Israel and some Arab countries, like the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain.

However, Saudi Arabia has not yet agreed to make peace with Israel despite Kushner's efforts. Public opinion in the UAE and Bahrain is also uncertain about these deals. The Biden administration has tried to continue the diplomatic process, but the recent war between Israel and Hamas has made progress uncertain.

Nevertheless, Kushner remains hopeful that Saudi Arabia will eventually join the peace initiative. He believes they want to make a deal with the United States and Israel, which would involve a closer partnership with America. He warned that if the U.S. doesn't have a strong relationship with Saudi Arabia, they may turn to China instead.

The Biden administration has considered offering incentives to Saudi Arabia to encourage them to make peace with Israel. This could include a mutual defense treaty and sharing nuclear technology for peaceful purposes. A mutual defense treaty would mean that both countries promise to help each other militarily if one is attacked.

The Biden administration's stance on Saudi Arabia has been somewhat uncertain. During his campaign, President Biden indicated that he might treat Saudi Arabia as a country with many human rights violations, particularly related to the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi in 2018. However, the situation remains complex and fluid.