US Election 2024: Ohio abortion vote this week may ripple to 2024 US election

In the state of Ohio, there's a big vote happening soon. People are deciding if they want to make a special rule in the state's constitution that says women have the right to choose whether to have an abortion or not.

This is a very important and emotional topic, and it's making a lot of people very passionate. The vote is happening on a Tuesday, and it's important because it could show how people across the country feel about abortion in the upcoming national elections.

US Election 2024

Some people in Ohio have already voted ahead of time, but many activists are still out talking to people about it.

One sunny morning, a 27-year-old named Summer McLain and her mom, Lorie, were going door-to-door in Columbus, asking people to vote "yes" to protect the right to abortion.

A lady named Idil Petrick saw them and wanted to know what they were doing. She didn't know about the vote, but she believed that women should have the right to decide whether to have a baby or not. So, she promised to go vote.

Summer used a mobile app to keep track of their conversation. She got involved in this issue when the Supreme Court made a decision to limit abortion rights in 2022. It made her really upset, and she wanted to do something about it. That's why she helped collect signatures to put this vote on the ballot.

Summer's story is a good example of how strongly people feel about this issue. She used to vote for the Republican party but changed her mind when they appointed judges who took away abortion rights. Now she considers herself a Democrat and wants to protect abortion rights in Ohio.

On the other side of the debate, some people are just as determined to vote "no" because they believe the proposed amendment goes too far. They think it would make Ohio one of the most liberal states in the country when it comes to abortion.

Aaron Baer, from a group that follows Christian beliefs, is against the amendment. He thinks Ohio is not like California, a very liberal state. He's worried that the amendment could let minors get abortions without their parents' permission and allow abortions at any time during a pregnancy.

People who support the amendment say that these claims are not true and are just meant to confuse people. They argue that it's important to protect a woman's right to make her own choices about her body.

Both sides have been campaigning hard, and they're eager to see what the voters decide. We'll find out on Tuesday. We kindly request you to disseminate this news and provide your insights in the comments section. Thank you