Arab American support for Biden, Democrats plummets over Israel, poll shows

President Joe Biden's support among Arab Americans, who are crucial voters in battleground election states, has plunged from a comfortable majority in 2020 to just 17%, a new poll shows, amid growing anger over the Democratic president's support for Israel's attacks on Gaza.

Arab American support for Biden and the Democrats has significantly decreased due to concerns over his stance on Israel, according to a recent poll. In 2020, Biden enjoyed 59% support among Arab Americans, which had already dropped to 35% before the recent conflict in the Middle East. The most recent poll indicates that only 17% of Arab Americans now support Biden. This shift has led to a change in party identification, with 32% of Arab Americans identifying as Republicans and 31% as independents. Notably, 40% of those polled stated that they would vote for former President Donald Trump in the 2024 election, representing a 5 percentage point increase from 2020.

Joe Biden

This decline in support for Biden among Arab Americans is attributed to his strong backing of Israel, particularly during its actions in Gaza. The poll also reveals that 68% of Arab Americans believe the United States should not send weapons and military equipment to Israel and should use its influence to call for a ceasefire. Concerns about rising antisemitism (67%) and anti-Arab bigotry (78%) are prevalent, and 59% of respondents report experiencing discrimination, a 6% increase since the last poll in April. Additionally, 45% of Arab Americans express concerns about their personal safety due to recent events in Israel and Palestine.

It's important to note that Arab Americans have traditionally been Democratic-leaning voters, and their shifting support could have implications for future elections, particularly in battleground states like Michigan, Ohio, and Pennsylvania.