US communicating with Israel at ‘the highest levels’ about protecting Gaza civilians but quiet on expanding war

United States' communicating with Israel regarding the protection of civilians in Gaza during the conflict. The US National Security Adviser, Jake Sullivan, emphasized the importance of safeguarding civilian lives but did not openly criticize Israel's military actions.

President Joe Biden spoke with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and stressed the need for aid to Gaza and the protection of civilians, while also supporting Israel's right to defend itself within international humanitarian law.

The US applied pressure on Israel to restore communication networks in Gaza, which had been disrupted due to the conflict. These networks are crucial for aid workers, civilians, and journalists to communicate and report on the situation.

Joe Biden

The conflict in Gaza has resulted in casualties and worsened the humanitarian crisis, with limited aid entering the area. More than 200 hostages are held by Hamas, and efforts are underway to secure their release.

While the US acknowledges Israel's right to conduct military operations, there are private discussions between senior US and Israeli officials about the scope and intent of Israel's actions in Gaza. They are addressing questions about military objectives, tactics, and international humanitarian law.

Sullivan also pointed out that Hamas uses civilians as human shields, which complicates Israel's responsibilities under international law to protect innocent people.

The US is in constant contact with its regional partners to work on the release of hostages, and they continue to call for a halt to violence by Israeli settlers in the West Bank. They expect the Israeli government to take action on this matter.