US House chaos continues as Jim Jordan readies for second speaker bid

Republican Jim Jordan is set for his second bid to be elected speaker after he fell short by 17 votes in the first round vote on Tuesday.

The US House of Representatives is in a big mess right now. They can't decide who should be their leader. The last leader, Kevin McCarthy, got kicked out on October 3rd. Some of his own party members got mad at him for working with the Democrats on a debt ceiling bill.

So, now, the House is all divided and can't agree on a new leader. This means they can't pass important laws or help other countries like Ukraine and Israel-Palestine.

Jim Jordan

Some people are saying they should give more power to a guy named Patrick McHenry for a little while, so he can help out until they figure things out.

On Tuesday, a guy named Jim Jordan tried to become the leader, but he didn't get enough votes. He's going to try again on Wednesday, but it's not clear if he'll get the support he needs.

Even if a few more people change their minds and vote for him, he still might not win. Some of the other Republicans don't like him, and they might not change their minds.

Jim Jordan doesn't have as many friends in the House as Kevin McCarthy did, so it's going to be tough for him to win.

If he doesn't win, they might let Patrick McHenry take charge for a little while and help out until they can find a real leader. They are going to vote on that if Jim Jordan doesn't win.